Thank you!
At Rock Springs, we count each offering as a major blessing, no matter the size. We have been called by God to do great things in and around our community and none of it would be possible without your financial support. Every penny of your tithe will be put to great use for God's kingdom, and we thank the Lord for those who generously give to His work!
Please Note: Online giving is a fee-based service offered by an outside provider. The provider charges the church a fee of 2.69% of the total amount of the gift for providing this service. ACS charges .30 cents per transaction for credit and debit cards.
ACH (E-check) transfers are only .30 cents per transaction.
Other ways to give:
See instructions and details on how to setup your account at
Your tithes & offerings can also be mailed to Rock Springs Baptist Church c/o Lisa Sims / Treasurer, 1164 Antioch Rd., Lula, Ga 30554
You may also drop off your tithes & offerings at the church office at 747 Rock Springs Road, Lula, GA 30554 during normal business hours (M-Th 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.)